Tags: anything of value, soe, state owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises, employment, internships
Tags: antibribery, anti-bribery, bribery, corruption, anti-corruption, anticorruption
Tags: gabc, bribery, antibribery, anti-bribery, corruption, anti-corruption
Tags: hiring, pay, labor agreements, anti-competitive, anti-competition law, competition law
Tags: anti-competitive, anti-competition law, competition law, anti-competitive agreements, agreements between competitors, collusion
Tags: tone, anti-competitive, anti-competition law, competition law, anti-competitive agreements, agreements between competitors
Tags: misappropriation, fraud, misuse, ethics, code of conduct
Tags: fraud, code of conduct, ethics, conflicts of interest, conflict of interest, conflict
Tags: code of conduct, code
Tags: code, code of conduct, customer service
Tags: manager, team, trust, code of conduct, code